Saturday, January 22, 2011


Is running a distraction?  Does it distract from important day-to-day activities?  Does it take time away from our families....from more important things?  Yes...but without it, we would be different people.  Without an outlet, some constructive way to release the funk, we would be different people...and not in a good way.  Running distracts us from stress and difficult family problems...issues from within our lives that would be so difficult to deal with, without a physical outlet, in addition to our spiritual release.  So I say thank you for supporting my distraction...for helping me release the get a natural high of endorphins which makes me a nicer mother, wife, sister and friend.  Thanks for supporting the distraction!  Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. My husband is thankful for this distraction....everytime I'm in a funk, he'll suggest me go for a run, because he knows this is probably one of the only things that will bring those "happy" endorphins to me. So, this is a WONDERFUL distraction. You're right! Who knew that what we used to do as kids would become once again the thing we wanted to do most sometimes during the day....RUN!!!!

    Love ya!
